
How I Became a Flutist
Originally from Shanghai, China, I was born and raised in a music-loving family. My mother gave me my first piano lesson when I was five. I picked up the flute at the age of nine for the elementary school band. I enjoyed performing with the orchestra around the world since I joined my high school orchestra and the Shanghai Youth Philharmonic Orchestra where I served as principal flutist. The highlights included touring with the orchestra around the USA, France, and Australia. The love for the orchestra life led me to become a professional musician. I am very grateful for my parents’ support to make the music study possible.
My Favorite Music
My favorite music genres are Baroque music and jazz music. I found similarities between baroque and jazz music – They both have relative strict form, but at the same time have lots of freedom for interpretation and improvization.
I got the opportunity to take harpsichord lessons and baroque interpretation class during my undergraduate study, which broadened my knowledge about harpischord and gave me extra inpiration for interpretating baroque sonatas. My favorite baroque composers are Blavet, Frescobaldi, and J.S Bach.
I have enjoyed listening to jazz music since I was a kid. I admire the endless creativity of improvizations, the group work, and the unique groove of jazz music. I took Jazz Improvisation for Non-Majors during my master’s student at the New England Conservatory of Music (NEC) where I was thrilled to join the jam sessions. My favorite jazz flutists are Herbie Mann and Hubert Laws.
My Teaching Philosophy
As someone who had a tight, smiling embouchure and struggled with tension, I understand a lot of students’ pains. It also made me take teaching very seriously as a clear illustration takes off a lof of guessing on students’ end. In the past two years, I took Body Mapping class with Vanessa Mulvey and Alexander Technique class with Angela Leidig at the New England Conservatory, which developed my body awareness during practice. As a result, I have integrated these techniques into my online teaching studio to help students understand the anatomy behind breathing and the root of tensions. On top of that, I give my students systematic training of technique and musical lines.
Fun Facts About Me
One of my dreams is to have trio chamber group; I’m a bit nerdy when it comes to learning foreign languages – I learned German for two years, and I’m recently self-teaching French (2021 summer).
My Education
I hold a bachelor’s degree from Cincinnati College – Conservatory of music with summa cum laude where I studied with Prof. Demarre McGill, Amy Taylor and Dr. Brad Garner. I am a recent master’s graduate of the New England Conservatory Class 2020 in Paula Robison’s studio. I have been a DMA candidate at University of North Texas on a teaching fellowship since fall 2020 in Prof. Terri Sundberg’s studio. My piccolo teachers are Amy Taylor and Dr. Heather Verbeck.